KANSAP Technologies

Application Development and Support

Application development and support encompass the process of creating, testing, deploying, and maintaining IT systems to meet specific business needs. This involves various levels of support to ensure applications run smoothly and efficiently. The levels of support include:

First Level Support: This level involves basic troubleshooting to identify the cause of issues, such as network problems that prevent the application from running.

Second Level Support: Here, incidents are resolved by professionals with expertise in the application or supporting infrastructure. This level is more costly due to the technical knowledge required.

Third Level Support: At this level, incidents are resolved by individuals with in-depth knowledge of the application, typically the developers. This level may involve code or database changes to address issues.

Efficient application support services are crucial to meet user expectations, as users have high demands for app performance and reliability. Application support involves daily operations to ensure applications meet service objectives and provide user assistance when issues arise.

To enhance application support services, organizations should establish practices like prioritizing requests, developing rules and SLAs for balancing requests, measuring time spent on each request, providing clear documentation, and creating performance metrics for support staff.

In summary, application development and support are essential processes that involve creating, maintaining, and optimizing IT systems to meet business requirements, with different levels of support to ensure applications function effectively and meet user expectations.


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